Emergency education programs and toolkits

Last updated on May 23, 2024

Education and awareness materials for hazards and preventable emergencies:

  • Social media kits
  • Public education programs
  • Resources for teachers
  • Community events

Social media toolkits

Create awareness about preparing for emergencies and seasonal hazards with pre-formatted content and graphics.

Emergency Preparedness Week

Learn what happened during Emergency Preparedness Week 2024. Check back next year for information on what's happening in 2025!

High Ground Hike

This is an annual community-led tsunami evacuation event in coastal communities that gives residents an opportunity to practice evacuation routes. 

Fire safety education

Fire safety education programs and events show how to prevent fires, what to do if a fire starts, how to avoid injuries and stay safe. Resources are available to use in your community, school or home.

Master of Disaster

This is a free education program for young people in grades 4 to 8. They learn about hazards in B.C. and how they can get themselves and their homes prepared.


The information in this section is provided by PreparedBC, British Columbia’s emergency preparedness education program serving the general public, local governments, Indigenous communities and schools. Follow us on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram. For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact us at PreparedBC@gov.bc.ca.