Ministry of Forests client number

Last updated on May 29, 2024

The Ministry of Forests assigns a client number to each legal entity or individual it does business with. The client number is used for a range of purposes including invoicing clients, awarding contracts, making payments, sending correspondence, and other business reasons.

On this page:

Who needs a client number

Every legal entity or person that does business with the Ministry of Forests must have a client number.

Examples of legal entities include corporations, partnerships, sole proprietors, and societies.

Who doesn’t need a client number

A legal entity or person making a one-time transaction doesn't need a client number.

Examples include a hunter buying a map or someone purchasing a publication.

How to apply

Legal entities

If you apply as a legal entity, you must have:

  1. A Business BCeID and
  2. An email address

 If you’re registered with BC Registries, you must also be in good standing.


If you apply as an individual, you must have:

  1. A BC Services Card Login account and
  2. An email address

Learn more about how to set up an account and how to log in.

Apply for a client number

Get started below. Once you’ve submitted your application, we’ll review it and email you to let you know if it’s approved.

Log in with Business BCeID

Log in with BC Services Card