Surrey Langley SkyTrain Project - Active Transportation

Last updated on December 1, 2023

Cyclists on an active transportation path

The Surrey Langley SkyTrain will add active transportation facilities along the new SkyTrain extension and provide more ways for people to get around the region.

Active Transportation 

Active transportation refers to the use of one’s body to move from place to place. It includes walking, cycling, and using mobility devices.The Province is working to double the percentage of active transportation trips by the year 2030.

The Surrey Langley SkyTrain Project will help to realize that goal with:

  • 14 km of new fully separated and multi-use pathways along the new SkyTrain guideway, connecting into regional active transportation networks and to the new stations
  • Bike racks and enclosed bike parking at each station, which meet TransLink standards

Once the project is complete, the fully separated bike and pedestrian lanes, multi-use pathways, and cycling amenities will help to:

  • Provide more transportation choices to and from SkyTrain stations with secure bike parking
  • Provide alternatives to cars, reducing congestion
  • Foster connected communities
  • Facilitate the safe and comfortable movement of people walking, rolling, and cycling along the alignment
  • Prioritize healthy lifestyles
  • Reduce greenhouse gases

The Surrey Langley SkyTrain provides an opportunity to enhance regional active transportation networks and implement high-quality active transportation facilities that will encourage people of all ages and abilities to choose walking or cycling as part of their transit journey in Surrey and Langley and the Township of Langley. This will also mean better active transportation connections for the current and future municipal active transportation networks.